Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wearable Projected Touchscreen

This is a cool gadget. A shoulder mounted projector and sensor, projects menus images and programs then senses your finger position in relation to the projection. This system creates a projected touchscreen on any surface. The prototype is bulky at best, but when they slim it down, hopefully into a set of glasses or hat or something easy to wear, it should be an interesting user interface for a variety of products.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mind Games

Here is a game that someone put a lot of thought into. Well, it takes a lot of thought to play, that is, you think it the game does it. This is the Emotiv Epoc headset and game. This reads your brain waves just like an EEG, electroencephalogram, and translates those brain waves into game commands. I have been telling people about this for weeks, and no one will believe me so, here it is.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Transparent Battery

Some time ago, I posted about a transparent laptop screen. This may raise a question of the possibility of a completely transparent device. Well, we are one step closer with this transparent battery developed at Stanford University. These batteries are also flexible. So, imagine a device that is totally transparent and flexible with a user interface like the flexible OLED screen with flex control I have posted about previously.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Super Cool Tech

Now that's what I'm talking about! I am in love with an electric vehicle. I would have never thought I would be. Say, hello to the Orphiro electric motorcycle.  This is a beautiful example of design and function. At 60 miles to a charge, you won't do much touring, but it does reach 75 mph which will quicken your pulse. This would be a great, fair weather, commuting vehicle. Just make sure there is an outlet near your parking space.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


That's right bees. In my rambling around the internet this morning I found lots of cool gadgets to post to this blog, but the coolest thing I have seen this morning is a bee hive built for a city apartment. It is still in development, but it may be coming soon. This thing has a plant pot on the outside with a small hole for the bees, and on the inside, well check out the picture, this awesome looking bee hive.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


This post is for my good friends Mr and Mrs Farmer. They have been looking for a turntable that will play 78speed records, and save them to USB. I have a turntable but it only plays 33 1/3 and 45 speeds. All my vinyl are 33 1/3 speed, and I just love to listen to them.

 This looks good, I even went to check it out in the store. The price looks good to, but I must confess, I did not look far for a better deal. There are some better machines out there but the price jumps considerably.


I found this video on Gizmodo, and I loved it. I hope no one is offended, but this video illustrates the problems developing in technological society. People really are ignoring the real world in lieu of digital communication. Besides all that, the video is hilarious. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Waterproof USB Drive

My son is learning how to surf. He is excited about going to surf camp next year. So, when he saw a waterproof USB drive, on my computer, over my shoulder, he insisted that I put it on my blog. Once again, being the best father in the world, I agreed. Sellout.woot has it for $49.99, but I don't know how long they will have it. It is on eBay for $67.99. Barnes & Noble has it for $158.37. That may sound expensive, but it is 64 gigs and waterproof.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Nokia Meets Windows

I have always liked Windows based phones. I greatly enjoyed my first smart phone, the ATT Tilt.Windows does, however, under-perform when compared to other mobile operating systems, but the new Windows mobile promises to be much better. I like Nokia phones as well. All the Nokia phones I have owned, have been reliable. This phone may be the best of both worlds. I am currently using the Motorola Atrix with Android, and I love it. But if ATT picks up this phone, I will consider the upgrade.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


My daughter asked to borrow my generator to power her boyfriends amplifier so they could play music in a parade for her dance club. I of course said yes because I am the best father in the world. We tested the generator, then hooked up the amp and speakers, and proceeded to fill the neighborhood with music. It worked fine but it is very bulky. Today I found a simple rechargeable amplifier with an music player dock and microphone. I found it at Staples but they don't offer it online, but that's OK it is cheaper at BJ's.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Flexible OLED screen with flex control

Link to video

This is a cool piece of tech. You control the device by twisting it and flexing it. This is not for sale or even set for production for a device as far as I know. It is interesting, however, the things people dream up.