Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hardware Love Affair

In this digital age it seems that many people form a relationship with their hardware. Some people almost live online, staying connected with desktops at home, laptops or tablets at school and smart phones on the go. Have you ever payed attention to how they talk about their hardware? "I don't know what I would do without my smart phone." "I love my laptop." "My desktop is the bomb." "I hate my computer." For better or for worse many people develop a bond with their hardware. I know I have.

1 comment:

  1. In our house Steven's desktop is the other woman. Sometimes I think he is trying out for a role in Lord of the Rings. . ."My Precious." I think if he could get it a social security number he'd claim it as a dependant.
    At least its not an unhealthy obsession. I'm not complaining. . .much.
